I haven't updated my blog for quite some time now.. The old habit seems to be kicking in again.. Anyways.. All I wanted to say is, I'm feeling very much alive and happy lately.. I know it's to soon to say anything(coz we just met) and I'm pretty much taking my chances here when I say- "..I'm really glad to have met you..". Btw, I love the way u laugh.. the way ur eyes squint when u smile.. all just seems so sincere.. makes me feel.. warm and tingly inside.. =D.. (whoa.. i didnt know i can be this flirty.. lol)
Ok, enough on the mushy stuff.. I've watched 5 movies this week, and I havent even done any review on them yet.. man im so lazy..
Anyways.. Independence day is coming soon.. so does my dad's birthday(its actually fall on the same date).. Went to Sunway Pyramid and bought a T-shirt for my dad(she helped choose it) today.. It was on sale, but who cares.. its the thought that counts.. and I've put very much thought in it(trust me.. I did). We(Me n my siblings) planned to drive back to hometown this coming Saturday.. which means I only have Friday to attend(and meet her again XD) the merdeka celebration event at Jaya One.
... ok i just realize that this post kinda sounded lame.. so im gonna stop now.. its 2.30 in the morning btw.. i better get some shut eyes.. i will edit this post in the morning.. or not..
o[ x_x"]o
What Would You Do If A Student Belittles You?
3 years ago
nothing wrong with expressing how you really feel, dude...
as long as you do it in a tasteful manner!
@ah^kam_koko: yea.. i agree.. how we express our feelings can affect the result.. so how did u express ur feeling to my sis? hahha.. c'mon.. i won't tell her.. =P
Ooo.. now got a SHE ady?
so what about us??
*man that's SOUNDS WEIRD!*
but, wtheck...
@jeffro: yerrr.. dat sounds so WRONG.. pls la.. dun spoil my rep here..hahha
If you really like a girl & want to make things last...
My best advice would be patience.
@ah^kam_koko' : yea.. jz dat sometimes if u wait to long,
1. she might get tired of waiting, 2. there's a chance another dude might come in the pic.. =P
which is y, i think d best is to drop hints here n there.. and see how it go from there.. =D
p/s: kouji kind of flirty sumtimes...haha(skool dolu2)~~~
@iceshah: lol.. really? i really didnt realize.. hahaha.. OMG im subconsciously flirty..
awesome! XP
awww...are u in love my friend? huhu
@Yin Dynasty: hahha.. i dunno.. hohoho...
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