this morning, i 'accidentally' woke up early(no really.. i dun normally wake up until 1 or 2pm).. so, while still on my bed, i sign into my msn.. a friend of mine who studied in another state was online.. so we chat and she said she's coming back to kl tonight.. so she wont be able to come online for the week.. so i was like.. "oh.. ok.. how r u coming back? bus or train?" . she replied 'bus'.. she said she has to go pack her stuff.. we said goodbye and i continue on checking my facebook(yes, im a facebook addict!) account.. then i notice another friend of mine had left a comment on my friend's photo of someone.. being myself, i like to leave silly comment on my friend's photos..
so there i was, about to post another random/silly comment.. and i noticed that the picture was tagged or rather used in a group.. the group name caught my eye and i though to myself that this must be one hell of a cruel joke to play on someone coz it read "in loving memories of...". so i click on it expecting someone to laugh or the person herself to be angry with the joke. then i realize.. its not a joke..
the person really was 'taken' from her family and friends, due to a bus accident. i was in shocked for a moment.. i was speechless.. coz as i remember, when i added this friend of mine to my friendlist, there were comments going about with her photos and stuff(i cant really remember if this was before or after the accident happened).. it never cross my mine that she was gone..
to be honest, i dont even know who she was.. we never talk or met before.. and she probably dont even know i existed.. but somewhere deep inside me, i can feel the sorrow, emptiness, pain and sadness.. like a part of me is being ripped out.. i never had anyone so close 'taken' from me before.. the closest i could remember, would be my grandfather.. but that was when i was 9.. and i hardly remember him coz back then, my family and i had already migrated to kl... so i only saw him during long school holidays..
i do remember him bringing back goodies for his grandchildren whenever we went back to visit.. my dad always tells me that he was a great man.. even though he's very strict with his children, he still make sure that all his children get proper education.. and people respected him for who he is.. 1 think that i will alwiz remember about him is this saying.
" father rides a bicycle to travel, he made sure his children live a better life. i get to ride a motorcycle. now im making sure my children will lead a better life than me. they will drive a car.."
i guess my dad live a pretty successful life coz.. well.. he has one of the lucky to be able to get out from the village and moved to the city.. not only that he get the chance to drive a car, he now has 4 cars to drive(well, kelisa is still a car =P).. so im guessing now, since my dad's generation's transportation method is a car, i guess my generation had to do better.. a train? airplane maybe? i wonder if lrt and airasia count?
anyways.. back to my friend's friend story.. she was suppose to reach kl sometime in the evening, and my friend planned to take her for dinner later that night.. when her bus was late than expected arrival time, my friend made a call to his house asking if the girl had called home since he cant get through her line.. never pass through his mind that she was already gone. to think that she could be at the wrong bus, the wrong seat at the wrong time.. she was among the few who were 'taken' that evening..
Lee Nian Ning(1987 - 2008)
i do believe that everything that happens always hav a reason.. mayb she's off for a greater purpose.. mayb her end is a new beginning for something new.. something beautiful.. perhaps..
*btw, i always hav this believe that whenever someone died, another was born at the same time.. just imagine if babies were born but no one dies.. earth would be a very busy place..*
after reading most of the comments and browse through the links in the group, i remembered that my friend(who i mention earlier) is boarding a bus this evening.. so i quickly left a message for my friend to take care of herself and be extra careful.. i know that accidents involving bus are quite rare, but i cant help but being worry for her safety.. all i can do for now is jz pray for her safe travel and wish nothing went wrong through out the whole time while she's on the bus..
o[ x_x"]o
What Would You Do If A Student Belittles You?
3 years ago
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