Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chapter 3.3 - Story of the day

here's a story i want to share with y'all.. tell me wut u think after u read this aite..

A and B were friends.. they grew closer and became a couple.. both of them hav different believe and decided to break up, but still remain as friends.. A had moved on, and thought that B had too.. unfortunately B hasn't.. first B tries to avoid A whenever possible, A understand that B probably just need some time to adjust..

Almost a year had passed, A tries to be friend with B again.. B show sign that B had moved on.. Again.. it is not what it really is.. B still had something for A secretly.. A had no other choice and can't do anything to make things any better..

A knows that they both can never get back together ever again.. A now just think of B as a good friend and sometimes, A kinda get the feeling that B's friends are trying to set them back up again.. but apparently A is kinda get tired of all this..

A thinks that B's friend should stop it and B should move on already.. because all this is making things real hard for A... Whatever A do, A feels like all A's moves is being watched.. like being stalked.. which is kinda scary.. anyways..

what do y'all think?

p/s: A is fine with wutever the decision B made.. if B decide to totally cuts all relation with A, A can understand and accept it.. if B finally decide to move on and be friends with A again is also still fine with A.. as long as B understand that A and B can never be together again.. =)

o[ x_x"]o

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