Saturday, September 04, 2010

2 freakin years..

whooooozaaaaa.. hahaha.. wut did i said..

took me another 2 years+ to write another post.. lol

sigh.. even now dunno wut to update..

let see.. during dat 2 years.. i've started working.. changed job once.. grown my hair, dyed my hair, still using d same ol' car, have an amazing gf, got a new lappie, got a new baby (my dslr), got myself more gundams then i ever bought the 2 years ago.. yeah.. things turned up quite well.. i guess..

lets see how long it'll take me to post another post.. :P

o[ x_x"]o

Monday, August 25, 2008

Chapter 5.2 - I'm Walking on Air~

I haven't updated my blog for quite some time now.. The old habit seems to be kicking in again.. Anyways.. All I wanted to say is, I'm feeling very much alive and happy lately.. I know it's to soon to say anything(coz we just met) and I'm pretty much taking my chances here when I say- "..I'm really glad to have met you..". Btw, I love the way u laugh.. the way ur eyes squint when u smile.. all just seems so sincere.. makes me feel.. warm and tingly inside.. =D.. (whoa.. i didnt know i can be this flirty.. lol)

Ok, enough on the mushy stuff.. I've watched 5 movies this week, and I havent even done any review on them yet.. man im so lazy..

Anyways.. Independence day is coming soon.. so does my dad's birthday(its actually fall on the same date).. Went to Sunway Pyramid and bought a T-shirt for my dad(she helped choose it) today.. It was on sale, but who cares.. its the thought that counts.. and I've put very much thought in it(trust me.. I did). We(Me n my siblings) planned to drive back to hometown this coming Saturday.. which means I only have Friday to attend(and meet her again XD) the merdeka celebration event at Jaya One.

... ok i just realize that this post kinda sounded lame.. so im gonna stop now.. its 2.30 in the morning btw.. i better get some shut eyes.. i will edit this post in the morning.. or not..

o[ x_x"]o

Friday, August 22, 2008

Chapter 5.1 - Things I Did Today..~

had a fun + adventurous day today..

1. wake up early to beat the traffic jz to learn that there is NO traffic.. ended up early at college..
2. update blog in class and got 'perli' by the lecturer..
3. rained in the afternoon, went to PJ to pick up a friend(she said blogging is a lil bit too personal.. so im not gonna put her name here XD)..
4. wanted to go 1U but ended up at MV instead coz I took the wrong turning(ok fine.. i am kinda bad with roads)..
5. bought a shirt from F.O.S(me likey)
6. lunch at Zen, MV.. (we had this weird, blur waiter serving us..)
7. pick up sis at Perhentian Duta, send her back home.. change into a more comfortable clothes..
8. went to 1U, walked around the mall..
9. watch wall-e and laugh and laugh and laugh..
10. had Takoyaki for snack..
11. kinda forgot where i parked my car(lol.. this never happened to me b4.. sigh)
12. went to check out Jaya One..
13. send my friend back..

*really had a great day today.. =D*

14. home sweet home..
15. collapes on bed..

...will update again in the morning..

o[ x_x"]o

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chapter 4.4 - School Holidays.. woohoo~!!

holidays.. no school.. ppl going back to hometown = NO JAM.. woohoo~!!
it was amazing how some little small event like this can hav a huge effect.. some things doesnt quite make sense though.. if any of u realize before, most of the traffic jams happens after school time started.. is it because parents drop their kids in school 1st? or was it because school holidays also means holidays to the parents(yea.. malaysia is known for having much to often.. for the gov sector at least) as well..

anyways.. im not complaining.. i find it rather interesting to hav a change once in a while.. not stuck in jam.. reaching to class on time..

*lol.. jz got perli from lecturer.. guess dat's my cue.. *

having lunch + movie wit a friend later.. gonna watch wall-e.. woohoo~!!
*now where can i find a nice wogok noodles in kl?

o[ x_x"]o

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

(Review) It's Alive..It's Aliveee!!

nothing interested happened to me lately.. kinda boring.. so this morning i got up early in the morning, thought of jogging around the neighborhood before breakfast.. but.. i was too lazy, and the sun had came up.. so.. i made myself a cup of hot Milo, pour a bowl of cereal, switch on the dvd player, and watch Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day.. and this is what i hav to say..

first of all.. what's it all about, do i hear? well, first of all, this is rather a romantic comedy type of movie.. so whoever isnt into this type of movie, i suggest u stop reading tis instant and run along now.. *tries to sound british*
well now.. *clear throat*, if everybody is ready, i would very much like to start my review now.. *ok i'll drop the fake british slang now..*

the whole movie started with a quarrel.. ok.. its more of a talk actually.. between a care taker and the employee.. the set took place in britain, in the 1930's.. so we can see the status differentious between the rich and famous, and the poor and homeless..

Miss Pettigrew, a poor homeless caretaker(and money less also) was at desperation when she was fired without getting her pay. she stole a contact card from the job agency and ended up at the front door of a young star-to-be

the star(who has a rather long name, which i did not even bother to remember) played by Amy Adams *drools* was a mess.. had relationship with 3 men, a son of a producer, a club owner and an old friend. too make things short, pettigrew helped the star to open her eyes, wake up and see her the truth.. she helped her to realize who's her real love.. umm... stuff like dat.. its like she was blinded with the rich and famous lifestyle that she had forgotten who she was and her dreams.. basically pettigrew jz get her back on the right track..

it's a really simple movie, with good props and settings, and aweseme songs.. i hav to say, i love the songs in it.. most of them are from the golden ages.. 30's-40's.. swing, jazz.. ahh.. i jz love em.. Amy Adams even sang 'If I Didn't Care'.. which was my personal all time favourite.. and it was breathtaking.. i think i like her's better than the original version by 'The Ink Spot'..

anyways.. this movie isnt just for the ladies.. there isnt much mushy stuff in it.. but there was no thrilling action part either.. i'd give it a 7/10..

o[ x_x"]o